Multivitamin without Iron Topical Patch - 30 Patches - Patch Aid/PatchMD
Multivitamin without Iron Topical Patch – 30 Patches – Patch Aid/PatchMD
- May help support healthy metabolism and energy production.
- May help support a strong immune system.
- May help support bone, joint, heart, blood, and brain health.
- May help protect healthy cells from damaging free radicals.
NB: The information below, has been taken from the Patchwork website. Irene McCabe Shop only acts as a retailer for Patchworks. If you have any questions, regarding any patches, branded Patch Aid or Patch MD, please, contact Patchworks or the manufacturer directly.
Too Use;
- Select an area of skin. The patch will stick better if you choose an area of skin without hair, lotion, or oil residues such as your shoulder, back, or hip. Clean and dry the skin.
- Remove the patch from the release liner.
- Adhere the patch to your skin, pressing firmly.
- For best results, it is recommended to wear the patches for 8 hours. There is no additional benefit in wearing the patch longer than 8 hours.
- When finished, remove the patch, fold in half, and discard.
- Repeat with a new patch the next day.
Patches are Latex, Lactose, Gluten, and Sugar-free.
As with any dietary supplement, please consult a healthcare professional before using this product. Women who are pregnant or nursing and individuals with health conditions or on medications should be especially careful before using any supplement.
Please Note: Nutritional patches are a new technology. As with any nutritional supplements, consumers should use nutrition patches according to their healthcare providers’ recommendations and regularly monitor nutrient levels through lab work as they would when taking any dietary supplements.
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. The Vitamin C Plus Vitamin Patch by PatchAid/Patch MD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner before use. Individual results may vary.
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